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Thanks for your interesting in working with USA LIFE!
Fill out our quick application below and we will get back to you within 2 business days.
USA LIFE Application
Looking for a professional, reliable brokerage that will match or exceed your current commission level?
We are looking for hardworking agents, brokerage owners, and general agency partners to do what they do best, on their own time.
USA LIFE allows you to:
Match or exceed your current/most recent commission to get you the maximum compensation you deserve
Work remotely anywhere in the US and create your own schedule
Have access to the latest technology to make your job easier and more efficient, including easy online enrollments, targeted marketing tools, CRM integrations with simple commission tracking, and accessible online quote engines for a competitive edge.
Qualifications include a minimum of 3 years experience, a high persistency rating, and extensive knowledge of any of the following:
retirement planning
tailored/advanced insurance design
Fill out the form below or feel free to contact us with any questions: call us at 1-888-466-3060 or email us at info@usalifecompany.com.